【機動戦士ガンダムF90FF】大型MS時代の技術の完成形がコンセプトの機体【ガンダムF89】 ▶7:14・
【機動戦士ガンダムF90FF】大型MS時代の技術の完成形がコンセプトの機体【ガンダムF89】 ▶9:20・
SONY FE 14mm F1.8 GM 続報【星空撮影・動画】高画素・完全レビュー ソフトフィルター作例、サムヤン14mmとの比較 ▶6:06・
SONY FE 14mm F1.8 GM 続報【星空撮影・動画】高画素・完全レビュー ソフトフィルター作例、サムヤン14mmとの比較 ▶15:13・
【Steam版 FF9】Moguri Mod 8.2で高画質化 & 一部改造【ファイナルファンタジーIX】 ▶6:32・
【Steam版 FF9】Moguri Mod 8.2で高画質化 & 一部改造【ファイナルファンタジーIX】 ▶0:15・
【Canon最高解像度!】RF28mm F2.8 STMレビュー【R5使用】 ▶23:23・
ポートレートで比較!換算85mmと135mmの写りの違い!FUJIFILM XF56mm vs XF90mm ▶42:24・
ポートレートで比較!換算85mmと135mmの写りの違い!FUJIFILM XF56mm vs XF90mm ▶13:32・
the infamous JPEG 🫡 (Video: Skull Island Rise of Kong) *raynarvaezjr *twitch *fyp *rayd *king *kong *kingkong *skullisland *skullislandriseofkong *riseofkong @Ray Narvaez Jr. ▶0:29・
the infamous JPEG 🫡 (Video: Skull Island Rise of Kong) *raynarvaezjr *twitch *fyp *rayd *king *kong *kingkong *skullisland *skullislandriseofkong *riseofkong @Ray Narvaez Jr. ▶0:31・
ステライメージ9のレビュー【高速化した天体写真画像処理ソフト】 ▶0:46・
航空自衛隊・F-4EJ PHANTOM / Japan Air Self Defense Force F4EJ ▶25:54・
FF9少し鍛えただけでダメージがとんでもないことになった!!9999ダメージが出せるぶっ壊れ要素ファイナルファンタジー9初代プレイステーションPS1名作RPG ▶25:51・
FF9少し鍛えただけでダメージがとんでもないことになった!!9999ダメージが出せるぶっ壊れ要素ファイナルファンタジー9初代プレイステーションPS1名作RPG ▶0:46・
ライブビュー撮影時のサーボAF比較(EOS 80DとEOS 9000D) ▶1:27・
The RGM 89D ESC Jegan Type D Escort Type ジェガンD型 ▶21:43・
Aガンダムモビルスーツ図鑑(動画概要欄に機体解説あり) ▶0:22・
JPG到ZIP 转换器在线。快速、安全、免费! ▶0:30・
【ゆっくり解説】ココからはじめる! PC98エミュレーション(イメージ作成からプレイ迄) ▶10:38・
【ゆっくり解説】ココからはじめる! PC98エミュレーション(イメージ作成からプレイ迄) ▶3:04:45・
【解説】*2 Filmora9 フィモーラ9 初心者におススメ・使い方説明します。オーディオフェードアウト・サムネイルの作り方・モザイク加工・パン&ズーム【動画編集ソフト】 ▶0:39・
【解説】*2 Filmora9 フィモーラ9 初心者におススメ・使い方説明します。オーディオフェードアウト・サムネイルの作り方・モザイク加工・パン&ズーム【動画編集ソフト】 ▶1:27・
JPG를 zip으로 변환. 무료로 빠르고 안전하게! ▶2:24・
真夏の天体写真、ノイズに埋もれたM33の再処理 ▶6:31:18・
Quick Ways to Open JPEG Images on Windows, Mac, and Mobile ▶0:21・
Canon EOS90Dカメラ設定【ファーストインプレッション解説あり】 ▶0:56・
Canon EOS90Dカメラ設定【ファーストインプレッション解説あり】 ▶44:07・
lovee bgt emg *ayahhebat | father and daughter moments ▶0:21・
*SAMA28 *videoviral *fyppppppppppppppppppppppp *fypシ゚ *limpopotiktoker *polokwanetiktok *wots_jpg *trendingvideo *fyp ▶9:53・
*SAMA28 *videoviral *fyppppppppppppppppppppppp *fypシ゚ *limpopotiktoker *polokwanetiktok *wots_jpg *trendingvideo *fyp ▶0:10・
FF9 召喚 (HDリマスター超高画質版) Final Fantasy IX 召喚獣まとめ ▶1:35・
赤座クリスティ(14才) / ChristieTheRed (14th Anniv.) ▶0:22・
【*FF9 】完全初見!FINAL FANTASY Ⅸ 05【にじさんじ/鷹宮リオン】 ▶0:26・
【*FF9 】完全初見!FINAL FANTASY Ⅸ 05【にじさんじ/鷹宮リオン】 ▶7:34・
Far East Tactical: Tokyo Marui HOWA Type 89 weapons clearing demo ▶0:56・
Far East Tactical: Tokyo Marui HOWA Type 89 weapons clearing demo ▶0:25・
元動画データの解像度とフレームレートを確認する方法/ファイナルカットプロ ▶0:13・
元動画データの解像度とフレームレートを確認する方法/ファイナルカットプロ ▶0:12・
Top 5 parfum yang pernah dipake Mas Ade @ade *set1awanade *reviewparfum *livestreaming *wearemembership ▶1:18・
Top 5 parfum yang pernah dipake Mas Ade @ade *set1awanade *reviewparfum *livestreaming *wearemembership ▶13:03・
*4【FF9】生まれてはじめてのファイナルファンタジー9【ホロライブ/戌神ころね】 ▶2:22・
*4【FF9】生まれてはじめてのファイナルファンタジー9【ホロライブ/戌神ころね】 ▶0:20・
😻😻😻 @austin *jpg *fragrance *fragrancetiktok *fyp | le male le parfum ▶28:11・
😻😻😻 @austin *jpg *fragrance *fragrancetiktok *fyp | le male le parfum ▶4:55・
Nikon Z8/Z9(フルサイズミラーレス一眼カメラ)のオススメ初期設定は電源OFF時のセンサーシールドを「閉じる」にすること。 ▶0:30・
Nikon Z8/Z9(フルサイズミラーレス一眼カメラ)のオススメ初期設定は電源OFF時のセンサーシールドを「閉じる」にすること。 ▶0:29・
【PC版】FINAL FANTASY IX 全ムービー ▶5:17・
Lupakan jungle city, pergi la travel ke nature places. Flight ke medan pun murah juga ▶2:38・
Lupakan jungle city, pergi la travel ke nature places. Flight ke medan pun murah juga ▶0:27・
🇯🇵Japanese Rifle【自衛隊】89式小銃 レビュー JSDF Review ▶5:58・
Mastering the Art of Video Editing: Secrets of Seamless Transitions ▶2:16:04・
live sama favian acuu, kata eca NT katanya wkwk😅 || @ONIC Nnael *mplid *fyp *fypシ゚ *aennael *nnael *nnaelonic *onicnnael *manuelsimbolon *mpl *alterego *mplindonesia ▶1:06・
live sama favian acuu, kata eca NT katanya wkwk😅 || @ONIC Nnael *mplid *fyp *fypシ゚ *aennael *nnael *nnaelonic *onicnnael *manuelsimbolon *mpl *alterego *mplindonesia ▶0:11・
Entertaining New Sound Trends in South Africa ▶0:22・
JPEG XL: What It Is And Why You Should Care ▶0:41・
*SAMA28 *trendingvideo *wots_jpg *fyp *polokwanetiktok *videoviral *fyppppppppppppppppppppppp *fypシ゚ *limpopotiktoker ▶0:05・
*SAMA28 *trendingvideo *wots_jpg *fyp *polokwanetiktok *videoviral *fyppppppppppppppppppppppp *fypシ゚ *limpopotiktoker ▶39:26・
How to Repair Corrupted JPEG or JPG Image Files ▶3:07・
発売間近のL28型エンジン用JMC HEAD 製品の特長を3Dデータを用いて解説 ▶1:09・
発売間近のL28型エンジン用JMC HEAD 製品の特長を3Dデータを用いて解説 ▶2:53・
望遠時の手ブレ補正を比較(EOS 80D、EOS 9000D) ▶0:39・
Sei la man, pao com ovo tlgd . *irmãdodavibrito *paocomovo *doarda *fy *casadeaposta *tutorial ▶0:12・
Sei la man, pao com ovo tlgd . *irmãdodavibrito *paocomovo *doarda *fy *casadeaposta *tutorial ▶0:18・
Salman - سَلْمان - Islamic Content Creator on Instagram: "Life often presents us with challenges and outcomes that may not align with our desires or plans, but as mu’mins, we trust that Allah’s wisdom surpasses our understanding. What He chooses for us is always for our good, even when it feels contrary to what we want. Sometimes, we may struggle to grasp the reasons behind certain events, but our Iman calls us to surrender to His plan, knowing that His choices are rooted in mercy and knowled ▶3:06・
Salman - سَلْمان - Islamic Content Creator on Instagram: "Life often presents us with challenges and outcomes that may not align with our desires or plans, but as mu’mins, we trust that Allah’s wisdom surpasses our understanding. What He chooses for us is always for our good, even when it feels contrary to what we want. Sometimes, we may struggle to grasp the reasons behind certain events, but our Iman calls us to surrender to His plan, knowing that His choices are rooted in mercy and knowled ▶1:43・
Animation Drawing Ideas: Kinda Late Trend Explained ▶0:09・
family line had no reason hitting too close to home but it did *conangray *coneheads *kidkrow *superache *familyline *foundheaven *foundheavenontour *budweiserstage *concert *livemusic ▶0:35・
family line had no reason hitting too close to home but it did *conangray *coneheads *kidkrow *superache *familyline *foundheaven *foundheavenontour *budweiserstage *concert *livemusic ▶0:39・
『'89富士F3000レース第2戦』驚異の後編‼︎ ▶0:33・
少し変わったレンズのご紹介。オリンパス「BCL-0980 9mm F8 Fisheye」&「Wide Conversion Lens WCON-07f + Adapter CLA-9」 ▶1:01・
少し変わったレンズのご紹介。オリンパス「BCL-0980 9mm F8 Fisheye」&「Wide Conversion Lens WCON-07f + Adapter CLA-9」 ▶0:11・
AF23 G’ ジーダッシュ リード90エンジンスワップ車両 始動確認動画 ▶0:26・
iMazing Converter for HEIC and HEVC - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft Store ▶0:29・
iMazing Converter for HEIC and HEVC - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft Store ▶0:56・
LAOWA 9mm F2.8 ZERO-D MFTと4mm F2.8 Fisheye MFTで表現力を広げよう(藤井 智弘) ▶2:04・
LAOWA 9mm F2.8 ZERO-D MFTと4mm F2.8 Fisheye MFTで表現力を広げよう(藤井 智弘) ▶0:15・
[訂正] EOS 90D スムースなAFポイント選択に関して & ワークフローとメニュー設定 ▶0:16・
[訂正] EOS 90D スムースなAFポイント選択に関して & ワークフローとメニュー設定 ▶0:49・
FOLLOW FOR MORE TIPS! 💪🏽 Not sure what program or split to follow to see the best growth? 👇🏽 Check out my teams Glute Maxxed and Golden Era Aesthetics for training that works! - I’m in the team chats daily helping you with form checks and questions! For more personalized help sign up with a Team JPG Coach for 1:1 training or my waitlist to work with me directly ▶0:51・
FOLLOW FOR MORE TIPS! 💪🏽 Not sure what program or split to follow to see the best growth? 👇🏽 Check out my teams Glute Maxxed and Golden Era Aesthetics for training that works! - I’m in the team chats daily helping you with form checks and questions! For more personalized help sign up with a Team JPG Coach for 1:1 training or my waitlist to work with me directly ▶0:09・
被写体のロックオン機能(EOS 9000D) ▶0:17・
実物大νガンダム立像演出『RX-93ff νGUNDAM from SIDE-F』 ▶0:29・
広角8.4mmから99倍ズームのHDTVレンズ「FUJINON XA99×8.4」 *DigInfo ▶1:58・
広角8.4mmから99倍ズームのHDTVレンズ「FUJINON XA99×8.4」 *DigInfo ▶6:09・
Bernadya Finger Drumming Cover with Roland 404MK2 ▶0:57・
CLOTHING LAYOUT | Open for commission! Very affordable price! Budget friendly! -Full sublimation layout -Full layered PSD File (editable) -HIGH QUALITY JPEG/PNG file PM ME NOW! ---------- I AM ALSO SELLING MOCKUP SHIRTS for affordable price (Tshirt Round&Vneck, Polo Standard&Chinese collar, Jersey NBACut&Top only, Warmer with hoodie&without, ID Lace, Volleyball Jersey) ---------- *jerseylayout *pololayout *tshirtlayout *layout *freelancer *graphicdesigner *graphicdesign *graduationtarpaulin *gra ▶0:20・
CLOTHING LAYOUT | Open for commission! Very affordable price! Budget friendly! -Full sublimation layout -Full layered PSD File (editable) -HIGH QUALITY JPEG/PNG file PM ME NOW! ---------- I AM ALSO SELLING MOCKUP SHIRTS for affordable price (Tshirt Round&Vneck, Polo Standard&Chinese collar, Jersey NBACut&Top only, Warmer with hoodie&without, ID Lace, Volleyball Jersey) ---------- *jerseylayout *pololayout *tshirtlayout *layout *freelancer *graphicdesigner *graphicdesign *graduationtarpaulin *gra ▶2:56・
*5【FF9】高画質MODを導入して初見プレイ!ファイナルファンタジー9【Steam】 ▶1:39・
*5【FF9】高画質MODを導入して初見プレイ!ファイナルファンタジー9【Steam】 ▶0:49・
Estos dias realmente han sido muy dificiles, agradezco cada uno de sus mensajes de apoyo, realmente ha sido un sube y baja, solo se que detras de esta cruel tormenta vendra un hermoso arcoriris junto a mi esposo, gracias por todo su apoyo y gracias a mi niño por no dejarme caer, te amo infinitamente @𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐬 gracias por hacerme sonreir incluso cuando la vida se pone tan complicada. *fyp *chicotrans *transmasc *novio *viral *amoradistancia *distancerelationship ▶4:01・
Estos dias realmente han sido muy dificiles, agradezco cada uno de sus mensajes de apoyo, realmente ha sido un sube y baja, solo se que detras de esta cruel tormenta vendra un hermoso arcoriris junto a mi esposo, gracias por todo su apoyo y gracias a mi niño por no dejarme caer, te amo infinitamente @𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐬 gracias por hacerme sonreir incluso cuando la vida se pone tan complicada. *fyp *chicotrans *transmasc *novio *viral *amoradistancia *distancerelationship ▶0:47・
iPhoneだけで画像のHEIC形式をJPEG形式に変換する方法 [iPhone] All About ▶4:23・
iPhoneだけで画像のHEIC形式をJPEG形式に変換する方法 [iPhone] All About ▶0:28・
90s Inspired Football Tricks with a Skate Video Twist! ▶1:01・
Exploring the Exciting World of X-Men Characters ▶0:11・
アイカツ未だに大好き❤️🔥*オタ活Vlog *myroom *アニオタ *オタクの日常 *アニメ好きと繋がりたい ▶13:01・
アイカツ未だに大好き❤️🔥*オタ活Vlog *myroom *アニオタ *オタクの日常 *アニメ好きと繋がりたい ▶0:11・
Chirayu Rathod | Content Creator on Instagram: "when you realise you’re not doing enough for your dream life. 🥹💔 Follow @_chirayu.jpg for more !! ❤️🩹 *lifequote *quote *real *explore *explorepage *relatable *motivation *realquote *deepthought *life *viral *reels *positivity *selflove" ▶1:22・
Chirayu Rathod | Content Creator on Instagram: "when you realise you’re not doing enough for your dream life. 🥹💔 Follow @_chirayu.jpg for more !! ❤️🩹 *lifequote *quote *real *explore *explorepage *relatable *motivation *realquote *deepthought *life *viral *reels *positivity *selflove" ▶2:26・
【FF9】時系列順!全ムービー集(エンディングつき) ▶・
CLOTHING LAYOUT | Open for commission! Very affordable price! Budget friendly! -Full sublimation layout -Full layered PSD File (editable) -HIGH QUALITY JPEG/PNG file PM ME NOW! ---------- I AM ALSO SELLING MOCKUP SHIRTS for affordable price (Tshirt Round&Vneck, Polo Standard&Chinese collar, Jersey NBACut&Top only, Warmer with hoodie&without, ID Lace, Volleyball Jersey) ---------- *jerseylayout *pololayout *tshirtlayout *layout *freelancer *graphicdesigner *graphicdesign *graduationtarpaulin *gra ▶・
CLOTHING LAYOUT | Open for commission! Very affordable price! Budget friendly! -Full sublimation layout -Full layered PSD File (editable) -HIGH QUALITY JPEG/PNG file PM ME NOW! ---------- I AM ALSO SELLING MOCKUP SHIRTS for affordable price (Tshirt Round&Vneck, Polo Standard&Chinese collar, Jersey NBACut&Top only, Warmer with hoodie&without, ID Lace, Volleyball Jersey) ---------- *jerseylayout *pololayout *tshirtlayout *layout *freelancer *graphicdesigner *graphicdesign *graduationtarpaulin *gra ▶・
毛子的轻工业哈哈哈🤣……凑合吃吧【兔崽子的宽容jpg.】 ▶・
เผ่าทั้ง6ของ Natlan✨ *hoyocreators *Natlan *Archonquest *genshinimpact *genshinimpactthailand ▶・
เผ่าทั้ง6ของ Natlan✨ *hoyocreators *Natlan *Archonquest *genshinimpact *genshinimpactthailand ▶・
he’s def watchin this 🫠 *fypp *trends *foryoupagе *savingallmyloveforyou *whitneyhouston *datenight *date *skincare *Skincare *fyp *fypシ *lengjpg ▶・
he’s def watchin this 🫠 *fypp *trends *foryoupagе *savingallmyloveforyou *whitneyhouston *datenight *date *skincare *Skincare *fyp *fypシ *lengjpg ▶・
*foryoupage *berandatiktok *fypシ *fypage ▶・
Pavel Cojocaru on Instagram: "I’m getting bored of doing the fast paced , vfx packed edits only(and yall probably too) so I’m gonna start diversifying my stuff. This will also allow me to post more. Btw this footage is on my patreon for those interested in practicing editing. . . . . *cinematography *girledit *videoportrait" ▶・
Pavel Cojocaru on Instagram: "I’m getting bored of doing the fast paced , vfx packed edits only(and yall probably too) so I’m gonna start diversifying my stuff. This will also allow me to post more. Btw this footage is on my patreon for those interested in practicing editing. . . . . *cinematography *girledit *videoportrait" ▶・
EOS 90D AFテスト ▶・
You can’t expect to get stronger through a range of motion if you never train it 👀 FOLLOW FOR MORE TIPS! 💪🏽 Not sure what program or split to follow to see the best growth? 👇🏽 Check out my teams Glute Maxxed and Golden Era Aesthetics for training that works! - I’m in the team chats daily helping you with form checks and questions! For more personalized help sign up with a Team JPG Coach for 1:1 training or my waitlist to work with me directly ▶・
You can’t expect to get stronger through a range of motion if you never train it 👀 FOLLOW FOR MORE TIPS! 💪🏽 Not sure what program or split to follow to see the best growth? 👇🏽 Check out my teams Glute Maxxed and Golden Era Aesthetics for training that works! - I’m in the team chats daily helping you with form checks and questions! For more personalized help sign up with a Team JPG Coach for 1:1 training or my waitlist to work with me directly ▶・
Rip togachako you would have loved fetch the bolt cutters *mha *bnha *togachako *toga *uraraka *togahimiko *ochakouraraka *wlw *canon *myheroacademia *bokunoheroacademia *fyp *fypシ *bokunohero *mhaedit *bnhaedit *doomedyuri *togaedit *urarakaedit *waittheydontloveyoulikeiloveyou *animation *animationmeme ▶・
Rip togachako you would have loved fetch the bolt cutters *mha *bnha *togachako *toga *uraraka *togahimiko *ochakouraraka *wlw *canon *myheroacademia *bokunoheroacademia *fyp *fypシ *bokunohero *mhaedit *bnhaedit *doomedyuri *togaedit *urarakaedit *waittheydontloveyoulikeiloveyou *animation *animationmeme ▶・
Happy nemu penginapan asik lagi! Aku suka bgt sama concept mereka yg bikin banyak cahaya masuk ke dalam✨ Plus mereka punya parkiran yang luas bgtt dan kamar yg nyaman bgtt! @Cove Indonesia *TTPetualangPro *travelokaxperince *tvlktravelfriends *nexent ▶・
Happy nemu penginapan asik lagi! Aku suka bgt sama concept mereka yg bikin banyak cahaya masuk ke dalam✨ Plus mereka punya parkiran yang luas bgtt dan kamar yg nyaman bgtt! @Cove Indonesia *TTPetualangPro *travelokaxperince *tvlktravelfriends *nexent ▶・
PVZ con MODS es MUCHO mejor *memes *pvz *plantsvszombies ▶・
Walang awww sa pau jpeg *kimchui *kimpaulovers *kimpau_natics❤️ *kimpau_natics💚💚💚 *showtime *magpastikat2024teamogiekimmclassy *teamkalmado😎😎 *teamtuesday ▶・
Walang awww sa pau jpeg *kimchui *kimpaulovers *kimpau_natics❤️ *kimpau_natics💚💚💚 *showtime *magpastikat2024teamogiekimmclassy *teamkalmado😎😎 *teamtuesday ▶・
*gasukaskip📵 *well *waterslime *4u *berandatiktok *fypppdongggggg *fyoupage *moots? *fypシ゚ ▶・
*gasukaskip📵 *well *waterslime *4u *berandatiktok *fypppdongggggg *fyoupage *moots? *fypシ゚ ▶・
𝙎𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙛 on Instagram: "𝑰𝒔𝒉𝒒 - 𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒒𝒆𝒆𝒒𝒊 where the self dissolves in the beloved, and the lover becomes one with the Divine. While the story of Heer and Ranjha is a classic tale of earthly love, Baba Bulleh Shah, rahimahullah, uses this romance as an allegory for the soul’s longing for union with the Divine. [the Individua self is symbolised by ‘heer’ and The divine by ‘ranjha’] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *reels *reelsinstagram *explore *reelitfeelit *reelsindia *aesthetic *po ▶・
𝙎𝙖𝙙𝙖𝙛 on Instagram: "𝑰𝒔𝒉𝒒 - 𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒒𝒆𝒆𝒒𝒊 where the self dissolves in the beloved, and the lover becomes one with the Divine. While the story of Heer and Ranjha is a classic tale of earthly love, Baba Bulleh Shah, rahimahullah, uses this romance as an allegory for the soul’s longing for union with the Divine. [the Individua self is symbolised by ‘heer’ and The divine by ‘ranjha’] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *reels *reelsinstagram *explore *reelitfeelit *reelsindia *aesthetic *po ▶・
도쿄 디즈니랜드 버즈라이트이어 한정판 스티커 받는 방법🔻본문 내용 참조🔻 도쿄 디즈니랜드의 인기 어트랙션 <버즈라이트이어의 애스트로 블래스터>가 2024년 10월 31일 목요일부로 운영 종료돼요. 버즈라이트이어의 마지막 미션 성공을 기념하면서 “컴플리트 더 미션!” 이벤트가 진행 중인데요. 여기에서 한정판 스티커를 무료로 받을 수 있어요! <버즈라이트이어 애스트로 블래스터> 어트랙션 근처에 있는 캐스트에게 스티커를 달라고 요청하세요! “스티커 쿠다사이” 또는 ”스티커 오네가이시마스“라고 외쳐보세요! 1인당 1개씩 버즈라이트이어의 한정판 스티커를 무료로 제공해요! 해당 어트랙션이 운영 종료되면 철거 후 영화 <주먹왕 랄프> 속 “슈거러쉬”를 재현한 슈팅 다크라이드가 오픈할 예정이에요. 버즈라이트이어 애스트로 블래스터와 동일한 기종이지만 테마와 컨셉, 스토리를 주먹왕 랄프로 바꾸어 오픈할 것으로 보여요. ──────────── ✅버즈라이트이어 애스트로 블래스터: 컴플리트 더 미션! ▶・
도쿄 디즈니랜드 버즈라이트이어 한정판 스티커 받는 방법🔻본문 내용 참조🔻 도쿄 디즈니랜드의 인기 어트랙션 <버즈라이트이어의 애스트로 블래스터>가 2024년 10월 31일 목요일부로 운영 종료돼요. 버즈라이트이어의 마지막 미션 성공을 기념하면서 “컴플리트 더 미션!” 이벤트가 진행 중인데요. 여기에서 한정판 스티커를 무료로 받을 수 있어요! <버즈라이트이어 애스트로 블래스터> 어트랙션 근처에 있는 캐스트에게 스티커를 달라고 요청하세요! “스티커 쿠다사이” 또는 ”스티커 오네가이시마스“라고 외쳐보세요! 1인당 1개씩 버즈라이트이어의 한정판 스티커를 무료로 제공해요! 해당 어트랙션이 운영 종료되면 철거 후 영화 <주먹왕 랄프> 속 “슈거러쉬”를 재현한 슈팅 다크라이드가 오픈할 예정이에요. 버즈라이트이어 애스트로 블래스터와 동일한 기종이지만 테마와 컨셉, 스토리를 주먹왕 랄프로 바꾸어 오픈할 것으로 보여요. ──────────── ✅버즈라이트이어 애스트로 블래스터: 컴플리트 더 미션! ▶・
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@𝐀𝐫𝐞𝐬 Mi prometido me envió este vídeo hoy, y me dijo que lo subiera aquí porque prefiere que todos los vídeos importantes tengan como un ▶・
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Want to know what an exercise is working? Here’s a very simplified guide on learning to assess that for yourself! You of course have to also know what muscles have the best leverage through that joint rom and how the resistance profile affects what’s biased along with this but it’s a start! If you still didn’t get it at least you’re walking away with another solid exercise you can add to your arsenal. I think this was @Shelby Robins correct me if I’m wrong! FOLLOW FOR MORE TIPS! 💪🏽 Not sure wh ▶・
Want to know what an exercise is working? Here’s a very simplified guide on learning to assess that for yourself! You of course have to also know what muscles have the best leverage through that joint rom and how the resistance profile affects what’s biased along with this but it’s a start! If you still didn’t get it at least you’re walking away with another solid exercise you can add to your arsenal. I think this was @Shelby Robins correct me if I’m wrong! FOLLOW FOR MORE TIPS! 💪🏽 Not sure wh ▶・
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